Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Well...keep your fingers crossed! I'm supposed to be leaving for that safari on Thursday morning, but there have been some mix ups. Oh geez, I sure hope it works out! Everyone be thinking happy thoughts!!!
On to happier things...I had a great day at clinical today. I had a really sweet patient who is just the definition of a South African struggling to get out of the crime that has plagued Johannesburg. We had some good chats and prayed with the other sister (his nurse). Working on an ICU you just don't usually get that interaction with the patient that I so desperately need! I'll always talk to my patient and tell them what I'm doing and ask how they're feeling. But when they can respond, it just feels so much better. So he was taken off the ventilator this past weekend and he's about to move to floor status, but I was glad I got to be with him today. I think we both needed each other today :)
So...if I don't post for awhile that means I'm on my safari! If I post again soon, you'll know I'm super bummed and that I'll be hoping for the best!!! Miss you and love you all!!!!!

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