Friday, February 6, 2009

This morning...

Good news!!! We’ve found a way to get internet on the third floor of our residence hall!!! YAY!!! This guy name Peter from Sweden is an absolute saint and he helped up figure it all out. So hopefully I’ll be able to post more often and such 

Let’s see, yesterday was quite a bust for Alison and I. We were going to plan our trips to Kruger and Cape Town, but weren’t able to because we didn’t have the silly internet. (But now that we do I think we’ll plan those after we get done with work.) We went ahead and decided to go over the main campus via the bus that takes students. There is a planetarium over there and a museum called Human Origins. The planetarium was closed so we were bummed about that, but we did get to go to the museum. It was SUPER interesting. It’s basically a museum saying that humankind originated in Africa. I sent some links to my dad in hopes that he could use if for his class, but then realized the whole teaching evolution thing probably wasn’t going to go over to well!!

After I typed this I managed to nearly cut my charger cord in half for my computer! Geez, the computer God doesn't like me too much :( Oh well, I'll figure out something...hope all is going well!!

Miss you all!!!!

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