Friday, February 6, 2009


Well I'm typing his fast because my computer is going to die and I have no way of charging it :( And we can't figure out how to hook Alison's computer to the internet!! Geez, for those of you going to Las Pintas or who have been before...I have used an abundant amount of flex powder!! It's quite hard to not get frustrated, because all I want to do is communicate back home!!

We had another good day at the hospital :) We talked with the manager and coordinator of the ward about the ways in which they do things here and then the ways we would do them back in the states. I can assure you things are quite different here, but overall they're the same...just trying to give the best patient care possible while being their number one advocate!

I can't seem to post pictures right now...which also sucks. I guess worst case scenario I can post pictures when I get back :)

I better get off this thing before it dies!!! Talk to you soon hopefully....

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