Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Evening...

Well, it's Sunday evening and we had QUITE the day. It started off pretty early, we left around 9am for the Apartheid Museum and an amusement park called Gold Reef City (yes, I know...we went all the way to Africa to go to an amusement's crazy)!!

The apartheid museum was unbelievable. They had a Nelson Mandela Exhibit, I could've spent hours in there. I don't even know how to describe it. I had goosebumps nearly the entire time! I journaled a bit how my favorite part had to do with sports and I guess that's just in my nature. Anywho, Mandela was elected president in 1994 and then South Africa won the rugby world cup in 1995. Before the game, Mandela arrived at the podium (for opening ceremony, whatever) wearing the jersey of the WHITE captain on the team. (This was all on a video that I watched.) The crowd, that was 95% white, was silent and then you heard the chant start..."Nel-son! Nel-son! Nel-son!" Oh geez, just amazing. I truly could've spent the whole day there. Then we went to a silly amusement park, haha who goes to Africa to go to an amusement park?! Oh well, we had fun...and I got some sun, finally!! Alison and I were real excited because a girl from the Wits Nursing Program came with us! Her name is Kerry and she was super sweet and a real help at the Apartheid Museum because she would tell us about different people and different events. Here are a couple of pictures I took....

This was just on a plaque randomly in the useum, and it's everywhere you go honestly...

This was the "sports event" I was talking about. I believe that sports can bring people together in ways that people can't quite understand...and this event truly speaks to that. Ahh, goosebumps again!

Oh you know, just another photo opp :) This was on our way out of the museum...I wanted you to see how incredibly large these words were on this wall!!! And they're great words in fact!

Well this is quite the disgusting picture of me. But we're on a ferris wheel and we had a GREAT view of Johannesburg...which is what the picture is of below!!

So yes, our first full weekend in Johannesburg was a great one. However, next weekend is going to be the best of them all because we'll be on our four day/three night safari in Kruger National Park!! Alison and I are SO super excited and can't wait to see all sorts of wildlife! We're driving the "panoramic route" which is supposed to be gorgeous. Here is the link for the website of the company that we're going through...

No worries, I'll take lots of great pictures and share them with everyone :)

We're back to work this week Monday, Tuesday Wednesday...and then off on our safari!! I'll keep everyone posted!!!


Mary Smith said...

Thanks for the great helps to see a bit of what you are doing. The carnival ride view is was that a little scarry! I am jealous you are getting some sun.
I hope you have some good clinical experiences this week and then you will be off on an exciting safari adventure..... take lots of photos! Love you bunches!

Maggie said...

Hey girl. It sounds like you guys are having a great time and I'm loving all the pictures and stories. Enjoy the safari coming up.