Friday, February 20, 2009

Almost time for Cape Town!!

We just confirmation of our booking for our hotel in Cape Town. You can check out the website here...
We were talking to one of our friend's Tina who is going to Cape Town a day before us and she is going to do a tour of a vineyard where you can make your own wine and then they send it to you a year later (or more)! Alison and I both thought that would be really fun!!
Yesterday, we went to Sandton City which is just a nicer area of Jo'Burg . We did some shopping and I did a little bit of damage, but not too bad! I got a super cute dress that I'm going to bring to Cape Town and hopefully we'll have a nice dinner out one night :) I got a few other little gimmicks that'll remind me of my days in South Africa throughout the years as well...
I can't believe that I'm going to be home in just 12 days! I feel like I've been here forever, but honestly the time has just flown by. I've missed a lot of occurences back home, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up when I get back! I especially can't wait to meet my newest little cousin, Dawson Patrick Miller!!
This weekend we're going to a place called the Cradle of Humankind which is a museum that displays how humankind originated in Africa and you can do a tour of the caves with the drawings and such! We'll do a few other tours, and hopefully be able to relax some before work on Monday/Tuesday and then off to Cape Town!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Cara!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith and I are at the Gardens and took a look at some of your pictures on the blog.

Grandma says she's glad you're safe after your walk with the "tame" lions!!! Grandpa is happy to know what you're doing but is looking forward to seeing you when you return.

Well, got to go! We all send our love.

dad, Grandma & Grandpa