Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gorgeous Saturday Afternoon :)

Well, today Alison and I woke up early and headed to the Market Theatre area which had a flea market so we got to do a little bit of shopping :) I did a lot of bargain talking and got a lot of great deals!! We also went to Museum Africa which covered everything from the beginning of Africa to the build up of Johannbesburg and then it had a visiting Croatian Drawing Gallery which was amazing! Honestly, it was just nice getting out and seeing a little bit of Jo'burg. We took a "safe taxi" and our driver's name is Preston...we've already arranged for him to take us to a place called Gold Reef City and then to the Apartheid Museum tomorrow.

Last night Alison and I begun our search for the safari trip to Kruger National Park. We're hoping for a four day/three night tour and we have to make sure we get picked up here in Jo'burg. A lot of students have been renting cars and just driving the park themselves, but we're far too scared to do that! Hopefully by this evening we'll have something arranged...

Here are a few photos...we'll see how many it'll let me post!

This is a photo of Johannesburg Hospital (from behind) where I am doing my clinical at in the Trauma ICU. This place is HUGE and there are always people everywhere!! But most of the other international students here for med school are at Baragwanath Hospital which is the largest hospital in the world....

Here we are standing on sort of the courtyard area of the medical school and straight ahead is are the residence halls on our campus, we're in the one on the far left called Reith Hall.

This is at the Museum had an exhibit on the apartheid time here and I thought this little puzzle piece was interesting. It made me really excited for the Apartheid Museum tomorrow....

Anyways, I'll post again soon....I heard the Chiefs hired Todd Haley, yay!! I sure can't wait for next season :) Haha, I travel across the Atlantic and still all I can think about is Chiefs football!!


Mary Smith said...

Sounds like you had a good outing today....I am glad you got to explore some of the culture you are living in. Thanks for posting the photos....looks very green there! Best of luck getting your safari planned. I think the museum will be fascinating but you better take some kleenex! love you, MOM

Randy and Staci Sharp said...


Sounds like you are having a great time. It is very exciting to read your adventures and all the interesting sites you are visiting. This is a trip of a glad to see that you are enjoying it. I look forward to reading your blog while you are abroad. Take care!

Mrs. Sharp (Your 5th Grade Teacher) :)

Kathy said...


The blog is great. Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted. Take advantage of every opportunity to do and see different things while you're there, and I look forward to reading all about your adventures!


Aunt kathy

Randy and Staci Sharp said...

Yikes! I meant to say sights and not sites! :)

I will blame it on the five year old who was wanting the computer to play Dora at the time. :)