Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Only two more weeks here!!

Wow…I can’t believe that I’ll be home in just two weeks! I know I haven’t been here that long, but it sure seems like I have. I’m sure most of that is due to just always being so busy! Anyways, I’m still working on getting a mass number of pictures up and not just five, but I hope those five gave you a glimpse of how great my safari trip was!

Alison and I have booked our flights to Cape Town and we leave next Wednesday! We are incredibly excited. Everyone here (visiting students and locals) have told us that if we’re in South Africa then we have to go to Cape Town. So, we took their advice! We’re still trying to find a place to stay, but that’s a minor detail because we already know all the things we want to do! We want to visit Robben Island which is where the prison is that Nelson Mandela was in for 27 years. We also want to go up to Table Mountain and hopefully go out to a vineyard, cross your fingers!! Other than that…I’ll be laying on the beach!!!

Clinicals have been going well here. I’m still struggling at times dealing with the differences in the way nurses do things here as opposed to back home. It’s hard to explain to all you “non-nurses,” but there are just some things that have been researched over and over and proven that are good practices versus bad practices. So when I see one of those bad practices implemented here, knowing that it’s hurting my patient…I’m having a hard time conveying my concerns to the nurses without seeming condescending and disrespectful. It has really made me appreciate the way that we do things back home in healthcare. I’ve learned a whole lot and I’ll take some things that they do here back home with me.

I’ll write some more later…Alison and I work the next day or two and then we’re going to do some things around Jo’Burg that I’ll tell you about in the next post!

Oh and everyone be praying for and thinking about my cousin Erin and her husband Donnie on Thursday…they’re going to be new parents!! I’m so disappointed I’m not going to meet my newest little cousin for two more weeks, but I’ll be there in spirit!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Awesome, Cara! What an amazing adventure you are having...I CAN'T WAIT to see pictures! Thanks for taking the time to share with us.


Aunt Kathy