Monday, February 16, 2009

Here are a couple of pictures to tide you all over! Don't forget to read the previous blog....

Here I am at Blyde River was amazing!!! The next morning I zip-lined across another part of the scary but SO worth it :)
Alison and I were constantly looking out to the sides, and is little guy caught us off guard because he was right in front of us!

This zebra (along with a TON of others) and so impala were the first to greet us at Kruger National Park!

We came across some VERY angry hippos...luckily they were pretty far away. Look at those teeth!!

This is probably my favorite of all the pictures I took...I kind of fell in love with the giraffes :)
Hopefully I'll find a way to post all my pictures soon, but if not I'll be back in just two weeks and do it then!!!

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