Friday, February 6, 2009

Kinda behind....

This is from yesterday morning......

Hey everyone!!
I’m pre-writing this silly thing again in hopes of sending it out sometime today. It’s early morning right now and I’m sitting in my room with the window open to the fresh smells of Johannesburg. It rains here quite frequently in the afternoons so the smell of fresh rain is going to be something that I associate with South Africa for sometime to come.

I am having just the greatest time I could have possibly imagined! Last night we went out with a lot of the international elective students (whom are all medical students, I think Alison and I are the only international nursing students here). I haven’t laughed so long nor so hard in forever! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the guys better. We met some new people as well though. Rebecca is from the U.K. and Peter is from Sweden, and they both actually work at Jo’Burg General which is where I’m doing my clinicals at right now. Everyone else is at a hospital called the Baragawanath (I may have mentioned this in an earlier post), which is the largest hospital in the entire world, but it’s also a mad house! We met two guys from Australia, Isaac and Abe, who are at the Bara as well.

Guess what I found out!! I have another American football fan here with me, Jacob, and I’m so disappointed because he said he would’ve found some way to watch the Superbowl had be known I would’ve watched it with him! It was quite hilarious Jacob, whom is originally from India but now lives in London, was attempting to explain the game of American football to Peter who just had this incredibly confused look on his face the entire time! Jacob did quite well though, but he also lived in Cleveland for three years so he’s been to some games and wasn’t completely clueless 

Let’s see, yesterday we had tea with the Wits University Department of Nursing and it was SO wonderful. There were about eight faculty that joined us and four students. The questions just rolled, but Alison and I were thrilled to answer all of them. The students were especially curious about the states. Oh and I have I mentioned that EVERYONE asks us about Obama!! When we went to the ICU the first day, we were introduced as, “This is Cara and Alison, they are from the U.S….they’re Obama girls.” I love it though  It’s nice to know that people are just as excited as we are about Obama. So back to tea haha, the students invited us to a gathering of some sort on the main campus on Friday night so I think we’re going to do that. I’m so excited to get to hang out with some people that are actually FROM South Africa, and nursing students none the less!!!

Well, we’re about to head to breakfast over at a place called Mike’s Kitchen with the group! Then Alison and I are going to plan our trips to Kruger National Park for a safari and then to Cape Town as well!! We’re super excited for those two! I’ve already been having the time of my life so I can’t imagine how amazing it’s going to be when I’m on a safari and then when I’m on the southern most point of Africa!!!

I’ll post again…hopefully soon!!!!

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