Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

Well, I'm leaving in just 26 days!!! I'm finally beginning to think about all the things I need to go before I leave. It's actually beginning to feel a little bit real. Let's just say I'll be glad to get out of this cold Kansas City weather...

I had a wonderful Christmas and even got a couple of things for my trip. I got a new camera that'll be super handy because it'll tuck in whatever pocket I have!! (For those of you that don't know, I have my "big camera" that the photographer in me LOVES, but I'm not set on whether I'm taking it with me quite yet!) I got everything from sheets to towels, and a super cute pouch too that keeps my passport...oh and some $$$$

I've already begun to compile a list of people I need to thank for all of their support. I'm getting incredibly excited, and I can't wait to share my stories with you!!!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I can't believe you are leaving for Africa so soon. Not before you stop off in Colorado though.