Friday, December 12, 2008

Departure in just 7 weeks!!

Wow!!! I leave in EXACTLY 7 weeks...I have no idea what to think about that!!! I have a lot to do in preparation for my trip. Today, I went to student health to make a "travel appointment" which basically means I get to find out what kinds of immunizations I'm going to have to get. We're only planning on being in the country of South Africa, so that should make things easier...

Yesterday, all the students that are traveling abroad (there are four going to India, two to Amsterdam, two to New Zealand, and two of us to South Africa), met with two of our instructors for next semester. We discovered how much material we'll be missing for our Professionalism class and for our Leadership/Management class while we are gone.

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well :) I have two finals next week, but the only thing I can think about is this trip!!!

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