Thursday, January 29, 2009

...8 hours from departure...

Well, I think it's begun to hit me! I've tried to hang out with family & friends the past few days and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I've gotten to see SO many of the people I love :) Thank you all SO much for supporting me in this adventure, I know it's going to be great for me and I can't wait to share it with you.
It is 11:10pm and I'm leaving in just under eight hours!!! My mom is taking me to the airport and we're picking up Alison (the amazing & incredible girl that I am sharing this journey with) at 4:45am!! I suppose I better get to bed here's a good thing I'm pretty well packed!!
We get into Atlanta around 10am and then we don't leave until 3pm for Johannesburg, so I'm sure I'll update a little on here on how the first (and shorter) leg of the flight went :)
Ahh, off to bed!!! However I highly doubt I'll be able to get much sleep!!


Erin said...

Praying for yoU! Have a wonderful trip. We're excited to hear about your journey. :)

Mary Smith said...

Oh to be young again. I had the joy of tkaing Cara and Allison to the airport. They are both so beautiful, positive and smart...I am certain their adventure will be full of joy and life long lessons!
Good luck!

Maggie said...

GOOD LUCK CARA & ALLISON! Make sure to take lots of pictures and do everything you can. A month goes by so fast so enjoy every moment! Get ready South Africa. The girls are coming to town!