Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stress Overload!!!

Well, this weekend I went to Denver, Colorado (for those of you that don't know, I'm planning to move out there after graduation). A group of us gals looked at different hospitals and began to realize that nursing school is coming to an end soon and that we'll be in the real world soon. I began to feel overwhelmed with the thoughts of graduating, passing boards, finding a job, moving to another state, etc...

So I have been a little stressed after getting home and realizing all the things that need to be done. I had a talk with my mom & dad and realized that I just need to have faith that everything will work out. I have this amazing opportunity that is just TEN DAYS away!!! I hope to get a lot done in these next ten days so that I can truly be 100% present while I'm in South Africa. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I absolutely refuse to let the craziness of my life get in the way it :)

I decided to start packing tonight, and my room is a disaster. But I don't care, because I know starting a little early is going to be what saves me come next Thursday night (the night before I leave)!!!!

Here's a picture of my room...and you can't even see all the stuff on my bed!!!

Anyways, I'll keep everyone updated on my stress level over the next few days. My goal is to have a lot of my course work done before I leave so I'm thinking a day or two in the library will do me some good!!!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I can't believe you are leaving so soon. It was so good to see you and girls this weekend. Don't stress over all the stuff. Just take it one day at a time and remember to stop and a take deep breath if you get overwhelmed.