Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last Day in South Africa!

Wow!! I can't believe that it's my last day here in South Africa!!! We're trying to catch up on some emails and then we're going to go start packing...and I'm praying that everything fits!!! It has to!!!
The rest of our Cape Town adventure was beyond amazing!!! Robbens Island was fantastic...our tour guide (and all the other tour guides) are past prisoners of the Island. I don't even know how to describe the feeling you get while listening to these men talk about their experiences just twenty plus years ago. Anyone who goes to Cape Town HAS to go to Robbens Island! We saw Nelson Mandela's cell where he stayed for twenty years (I was wrong about the number of years earlier, he stayed in two other prisons after Robbens Island which then totaled 27 years). It was just an amazing place to be, with such history....
The next day we did a wine tour and it was SO much fun :) I totally want to go to California with a group of friends/family and do that someday (soon)!!!
I'll write more when I get to Atlanta, but I have to get going now!!! I love you all and I'll see you very soon!!!!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

How time flies! I can't believe you are coming home already. It sounds like you have packed enough into your trip to last a lifetime. I'm so glad you had a great trip and I can't wait to hear all the stories and see pictures!