Monday, November 24, 2008


I'll be leaving for South Africa in two months and six days. It seems SO far away, but yet as each day passes I'm realizing that it's actually closer than I think.
For those of you that don't know, I'm going to Johannesburg (in the country of South Africa) for five weeks next semester to complete part of my senior practicum in nursing school. Our senior practicum at KU includes 320 clinical
s, I have to put in 320 clinical hours in just 16 weeks. I'll be a busy bee yet again next semester :) But, I'm fortunate enough in that I get to do about 100 of those hours in a University hospital in Johannesburg. I don't know the details of what I'll be doing exactly, but I'll let you know when I do!
I'll keep adding more details about my trip as I come across them, and post pictures of places that I hope to visit while I'm there! Here are a couple of pictures of where I'll be in a little more than two months...